Career & Marketing Tips From 50 Leaders

by on Jun 23, 2015

Here’s an assortment of what 50 famous leaders said about work, business, quality, brands, products, pricing, marketing, decisions, goals, success, failure, humility, criticism, money, customer satisfaction, agreement, disagreement, social media, personality, adversity, problem-solving, responsibility, ideas, learning, worry, mistakes change, and survival. These 50 quotes are packed with the essence of all the career guidance and  marketing tips for individuals and organizations –  subtly  summing it all up!

Not  just Armani, Pepsi, Adidas, etc. are brands, though they are established and successful brands.  Every individual is a personal brand and therefore, the marketing tips are helpful to all of us.

Watch the slide show.

Sources:  BrainyQuoteBLACKCOFFEEInspire 99

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